your god given gift

Called to do what gift you've been blessed with. There are times in your life when you wonder why are you here ? what is your calling? For me I asked that question over and over. I guess I had to be sick and tired of being sick and tired!  So yet again I went to bed asking what is my passion?  When I awoke at 3 in the morning with this idea ( obviously not mine but God's)  that I should start an organizing business something I love to do and have been doing for years for free!! Okay your thinking bad economy now,  yea but am I scared no! How am I going to get clients? Start this going? look all I know if I do my part God will do his that's all I need to know ,I am not scared, not worried, not thinking just doing. And I have to tell you how blessed I feel! So I hope you will join me on my new adventure, I am here to tell you, you are never to old to change!!


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