The countdown begins...
The countdown begins .... yes there are a lot of things going on in my life now and I'm here to tell you change is good! In five days I am moving into a place I picked, that I will have all the say in all the decisions. After twenty four years of someone telling you what to do this will be like a person getting out of jail! So it wont matter if I am like a bachelor with only a 52 inch tv and a mattress on the floor! It will be mine! And in 11 days I will be doing my triathlon which was on my bucket list for a while, it was another thing that I never thought I could do! See what we can do when we put our minds to it? Anything is possible! A new business who would have thought at this age I would be starting a new career? Sure as hell not me!
So I am here to tell you all who are afraid to leave your situation, afraid you cant do it , cant make it, that yes you can just believe anything is possible and it is! I never imagined all of this (ok I did imagine my own place every day !) But the rest no way... it is greater than I ever dreamed and I am happier than I've ever been!! Life is great even if its really crazy right now its mine and I am grateful. So take the chance , make the change its all good!
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