Writing in spite of the haters

People ask me all the time why do I write? it's something I have to do, its my God given gift, its like breathing to me.I've been writing since I was a child, it was  comfort me when I was sad, it made me grateful when I was happy, it gave an outlet to my anger and it was always there for me.I write now for all of these reasons but one more important one because I want to inspire others, to let them know you can overcome anything if you believe. I write about what I am passionate about whether my beliefs, my family or my friends. I write good or bad , like me or hate me, believe it or not, I write from my heart.Yes some days there will be the haters, who don't like the truth and will come after me and that's okay, I put myself out there, the good , the bad and the ugly for the world to see and judge, so I get it.I get people will condemn me, speak ill of me or say things to make me look bad but I have chose to do this, (okay God chose for me to do this ) and I have thick skin now, especially after 24 years in a verbally abusive marriage by someone who was suppose to love you saying hateful things, having a stranger say it to me now is nothing!I will forever write against injustice in my family or against the world, I will continue to have the backs of the people I love and call out the people who come against them.If I am anything I am loyal and I will be your biggest cheerleader, I will fight your battles and be your voice when you can no longer speak for your self.I will continue to be here and speak what my heart tells me to until I take my last breath, this is who I am.I get my stories in all kind of ways, I meet a lot of people as I am always dealing with clients and I hear lots of stories, these are what and who I write about, their stories, good or bad, inspire me to write.As do my own life experiences, I know that I have helped others with my words, I get messages and emails telling me that all the time and I am so honored that they first took the time to read my words and second that I may have been a small part in helping them.So I will continue to use this gift, each and every day because in the end it matters little of what people here have to say, it only matters that one day I hear his voice and it says "well done, well done"


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