The kindness of people
Thursday Treadmill Treats
The kindness of people
I know we have all been hurt, we've been lied to, cheated on, we have even been screwed by our own best friends, well, I know that I have at least.
Sometimes it hardens our heart, it makes us build walls to keep people from hurting us again and it makes us angry and bitter.
But I am not built that way, I forgive, I move on, I trust again and again and again. I remember saying not that long ago that I know I would get my heart broken again, I just didn't think it would be so fast....
But even with that, I know I will still be open to another love.
Even saying all that, it still surprises me when people go out of their way to be kind to me.
Recently it has been a hard time for me and my family and then to top it all off my daughter got into a hit and run accident and her car was totaled.
We had no idea what we were going to do, she had no money and she just started this job, which was a hour a way.
She was flipping out but I told her that God always takes care of us and that we had to believe that, something would work out.
It was then a friend of mine told me he had a car for her that he would sell to us for 3,000 less than book value.
But it gets better, he would take payments from her with no interest. I went into the ugly cry...who does that?
Not even her own father, yet this man stepped up and did this for us.
How amazing that a person's heart is that big? That there is still great people out there and that nothing is impossible if you believe.
Yes, this was just another sign for me that God will provide, that there are good people in this world, that even when it seems hopeless, you need to hold on, just hold on.
We have to believe that people are good, that no everyone is out to hurt you, to use you, to take advantage of you, that you have to have an open hand and heart to receive.
So today my friends, remember there is always that one friend out there willing to go that extra mile for you, there is always hope even in the darkest moments, that yes, God will provide and that nothing is impossible if you believe.
Today I would like to say to my dear friend, thank you...thank you for your kindness, thank you for showing me there are amazing, good men out there, thank you for teaching my daughter this lesson as well and thank you for teaching her to have faith. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for you being in my life. You will be in my heart forever... I love you my friend♡♡♡
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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