White privilege at its finest

White privilege at its finest 

Only in America could you shoot 3 people with a semi automatic weapon, not get shot by the police afterwards then cry at trial and get out scott free. To turn around and start a YouTube channel promoting your racist ways, but only if you're white and privileged, I meant to say.

A year after he was acquitted of all counts of shooting three people, killing two of them, Kyle Rittenhouse tweeted that he's launching a YouTube channel. He says he plans on “creating content about guns and talking about the 2nd amendment.”

This morning, privileged boy tweeted this.
"discriminating against a formally protected class by taking away free meals at @twitter after the NIH received multiple reports of severely emaciated and malnourished snowflakes stress vomiting before work. Situation developing…"

Oh, so this is what America looks like when you are white and privileged? Not only do you get to kill people, you get to make money by talking about guns and violence and now you think you're a comedian.

Let's be real people, if he was black he would have been shot dead at the scene. He wouldn't have gotten to go through the Burger King drive in with the police like Dylann Roof did after he murdered those people in that Charleston church. No, that is truly white privilege.

Here are some more in this category, Robert Lewis Dear attacked a Planned Parenthood office in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He killed three people and injured 11 others. One of the dead is a police officer. Dear then engaged in a several hours-long gun battle and standoff with local authorities. He was captured alive. Eagan Holmes killed 12 people and injured 70 in a mass shooting at a Colorado-area movie theater. He was not killed by the police. Jared Lee Loughner shot 18 people, killing six of them. He was taken alive by the police.
Classic white privilege.
But trust and believe if you are Black, Muslim or Arab-American you would definitely not be granted this unique type of white privilege. No, you would be dead.

So today my friends remember it's only about your skin color in this country. Unfortunately since 45, it's okay to be racist again and hey if you kill someone as long as you're white, you too may get your own YouTube channel to promote more violence. Welcome to America.

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