Happy anniversary to me

Happy anniversary to me

I woke up and realized that today was my old anniversary, it would have been 31 years since I was married to my ex. I woke up ecstatic knowing that I am no longer married. I no longer have to pretend to be happy, to pretend that I am a perfect wife. When you first say I do, you never imagine what will come later on. You're in "love" till death do us part and all of that. You never think about the bad only the "happily ever after"

Then you wake up one morning 23 later thinking, who am I? Who is this man I married? What happened to the sweet man who first persuaded me? How could he treat me this badly and still say he loves me? You have lost yourself to become the perfect wife and perfect mother. You gave up your career and your life to make everyone else happy. In doing so you have lost yourself and made yourself miserable. 

Until one day you can no longer breathe, you're dying a slow death and you need to get out before you die. At all costs, you need to go!
You don't care about the big house, the fancy cars, the big vacations, all of the showy things that you thought were so important when you were young, mean nothing to you now. You know eating peanut butter and jelly will taste a lot better when you are free than filet mignon behind bars.

And so break out, you run for your life, and you no longer care what he or others say about you. You are not looking back, you can see your new life, and God it looks so good!

Yes, it was hard and yes, there are days that it is scary, knowing you have to do it all on your own but the feeling of relief and peace you feel overruns all of the fear you have. Would I ever in a million years have thought that these last 9 years could be so wonderful? No, it has been beyond my wildest dreams. Do I have any regrets? Yes, just one ... that I didn't do it sooner! 

So on my anniversary of being my own person, I would like to share my joy with you all and give you some words of wisdom.
If you're in a horrible marriage and yet another anniversary is coming up and you're dreading it, stop and think about how short life is. Be present, be happy, have peace in your heart and if that's not happening change it, tomorrow might be too late!
"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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