Doing things that we never thought possible
It is amazing what the human spirit can do when we set our minds to it, anything is possible.
Yes,you can do things you never dreamed of doing as long as you have faith and determination.
As I am writing this my high school friend Scott,is running the Boston marathon, the most famous and hardest marathons to do and get into, not only is he running but he's doing it for a cause, a Children's hospital, to raise money.
This man has changed his life around, once not healthy and overweight as we all tend to get in the second half of our lives, as we are busy making money , raising families and just trying to live, he decided he was going to make a change.
He changed his diet, he started doing Px90, he started running because he was determined to be healthy for himself and his family and guess what he is in the best shape of his life.
Ask him twenty years ago if he thought he'd be running in the most prestigious race world and he would have laughed, yet when you are determined to do something, you will stop at nothing to get there.
Same thing goes for me, Hell I had no self esteem, I never thought I could leave my abusive marriage, I never thought I could run a marathon (I hate running!) I sure as hell never thought ni could do a triathlon (I swim like a drawing cat), I never thought I could jump out of a plane (I was deathly afraid of heights) yet when I set my mind to it, dam it I was going to do it, even if I crossed the finished line last, even if I felt like I was going to die, I was going to do it.
Yes, it is possible to overcome your fears, to do things that don't seem possible, you can do it, Scott and I are not special (okay I think we are, after all we grew up in the best home town ever) we are just committed and determined to be the best we can be, to over come fears and doubts and to keep going.
I wrote about when I first started training I couldn't run to the end of the block, I thought they would have to call 911 when I started swimming, I was a spase, I was a hot mess! But I didn't quit , I kept at it until I did it and guess what? I finished and in 3rd place in my age group who knew? Not me that's for sure!
You can leave your horrible relationship, start over, you can lose weight, change your career, start your life over, you can over come your fears, you can do it! The only thing stopping you is you!
I did all of these things in one year, me the person who feared change, who stayed in a horrible marriage for 24 years because of fear!
I left, changed my career, did a marathon, jumped out of a plane, did a triathlon, learned to take care of myself and my girls, yes change became my best friend, my middle name!
Was it scary Hell yes, but if I didn't do I felt like I was going to die and I figured if I was going out, I was going to do it my way!
So now that I am focused on my purpose, my writing of my blog and my book and trying to inspire others I decided to start this new chapter and become a beach body coach and show you (and myself ) that you can be the best you can be, even at 50!
I have a wonderful role model, my friend Scott, a great support team, my family and friends and my wonderful blog followers so I hope you will follow my journey and maybe start your your own journey,doing things you never thought possible!
You can do it! Make the change today,its the first day to the rest of your life!
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