The 21 day fix week one

I told you last week that I was starting the 21 day fix and I started this on Monday. Now, the food wasn't much of an issue for me, I try to eat healthy for the most part, what shocked me was the portions, I thought these small containers were ridiculous, I was going to starve to death. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I wasn't hungry at all, it was easy to do ,I got to eat all the foods I like, even cheese, peanut butter and olives,potatoes, pasta,rice and bread and other things. I thought the videos would be easy as I work out everyday, and was glad they had both an intensive , moderate and easy version of each exercises, that and each set they broke down each exercise to 1 minute, 60 seconds, yes you can do anything for one minute. I have to tell you I worked muscles I didn't know I had, I can hardly put my shoes on, but its a good sore, I feel like I did something, its working. I am determined to get in the best shape of my life , I am doing this with my daughter and best friend, we also go online to encourage the other group members, it gives you encouragement, like when I was tired the last two nights, I had worked out in the gym both mornings and didn't want to do the dvds at 10 pm but my daughter said come on and I did both nights at 10 om! I felt great afterwards and was glad I did it, yes I was tired and yes I didn't want to but I pushed myself, thats the key to push yourself out of your confort level, to go beyond what you thought was possible! So yes this week was alot to get use to bit I got through it and next week will be easier and by 21 days it will become a habit and I will become stronger and tougher and know that I can do anything if I put my mind to it! So come on, you can do this start today check it out on my web page , be the best shape of your life, join me and the many others who are doing this, it will change your life forever.


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