Bring it on..

Tgif Treadmill Treats

Bring it on ...

I got this ...I remember I am survivor, it didn't matter what life threw at me I knew I got this... If I could  get through my dad dying, my mom having cancer, being raped, havg to endure an abortion, trying to kill myself and losing my two best friends with in a year, throw in alot of alcohol and drugs and guess what? I got through all of that,because I am a overcomer.

I was strong when I had met my abusive ex husband, I then gave him all of my power but after losing my mom and best friend and my ultimately myself, yes, I know that if I can survive all of that,then come on with it, give it your best shot! I am waiting!

I will still stand again, I might slip and fall, I might call out why me? Once in a while but I will get back up stronger and more determined than ever. I can guarantee that.

When I was training for the triathlon during my divorce, I did it to show everyone out there who reads my blog that you can do anything you set your mind to, I was in the middle of moving to a new home and starting a new business, it was nuts yet I survived and the day of my triathlon only 3 days after moving into my new home, I was overwhelmed but I was determined even after a  jelly fish bite me in my ass, even running with a broken toe and a black sky, pouring down on me I looked up shook my hand  and screamed is that all you got? Bring it? Come on because no matter what I am cross that finish line if I have to crawl!

I finished just as the rain stopped and the sun shined on my face, that wasn't missed on me ,my whole life I had to go through terrible storms but I always knew the sun would come out, I always kept the faith, I had a deep belief in positive thinking, I knew I could survive anything.

So you don't want to pay me child support, get ready for a fight, you want to sue me, bring it, the closing is postponed,it's alright, I am working 10 hours a day 6 days a week, so be it, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I now know that after the true test, it is when the ultimate testimony comes from, I know that I can survive anything and come out better because of the fight, so bring it on bring it on bring it on.... I am a survivor!


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