Liking yourself
Tgif Treadmill Treats
Liking yourself
There are times when you think about quitting, the way you look at it depends if your a winner or a loser.
How do you look at yourself? Do you like yourself?
Do you think your worthy?
These are important questions to ask yourself, these questions will determine how far your going to get in life.
If you don't think your ever going to get somewhere in life, guess what? Your not!
If you don't think your worthy, then who will? If you think this is all your ever going to achieve then your right, bottom of the barrel for you. You must believe in yourself first and know that you can do anything you set your mind to.
I try to tell my girls that all the doesn't matter what their dad says about them...this is his issue not theirs. I tell them they should know their own self worth, that they can do anything, that they are smart, beautiful, kind girls who have their whole lives in front of them.
Each and every day I try to reinforce the good in them and hope I am erasing the bad that their dad tries to poison them with.
But no matter how many times I tell them if they don't believe it, it won't matter.
You must stop listening to everyone around you and you have to shut up the voices in your own head that tell you, your not smart enough, pretty enough,good enough, you have to every day if need be that you are good enough smart enough that you are perfect in God's eyes and that you like yourself.
Once you do that no one else opinion will mean anything, you will know your value. Once you know your value no one will ever tell you otherwise and you will demand that respect from others, you won't put up with lying cheating people, you won't hang around negative people, you won't cheapen your values to please a boss, friends or family members. You will stand your ground with your had held high and know who you are and who's you are, a child of the most high God.
So today my friends, believe in yourself, like yourself, believe you can do anything. It's amazing how things will change around you once you change your's all up to you.
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