When you need to chill...
Hump day Treadmill Treats
When you need to chill
If you follow my blog you know I have been in the middle of moving and remodeling a new home. This has not been a easy month for me as I have done a lot of physical labor and mental worry about all the decisions and details.
I truly don't remember working harder except for a time years ago when I bought a new home and was basically doing the same thing but had to pack not one home but two as my parents were moving down here with me. There were days I thought I would drop of exhaustion and when I finally finished I did just that...I was knocked out, my body gave out and I ended up in bed for a week sicker than I ever remember being.
This time I knew when my breaking point was and knew I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice and so when a friend invite me to come to New York for a long weekend I jumped on it.
My only condition was to do nothing, absolutely nothing and with that in agreement, I went to upstate New York, my hometown.
We stayed in the mountains, I put my phone on voice mail and I was in chill mode for the next four days.
When I tell you nothing I mean nothing, I laid around in yoga pants and tops, I slept in late, I gave up all conrol, I was severed breakfast and coffee in bed, I didn't make any decisions not even about food, I left it all up to my friend.
I had hot bubble bath jucuzzi baths drawn for me, home cooked meals, we watched movies, listened to music, we laughed, we caught up, we laughed some more, took afternoon naps... there was no schedule, no clocks, no sense of time...it was incredible.
Sometimes you just need to unplug, to run away from the world, to recharge your batteries so that you can come back refreshed and ready for your next chapter of your life.
I know I am ready..to come back, to publish my book, to start this next chapter of my amazing life. I have learned to work hard and play hard and I have learned that sometimes you need to stop and do nothing and that's okay too.
So today my friends let loose, let go of control and of guilt of doing nothing, it's okay...sometimes it's just what the doctor ordered.
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