What you see is not what it is.
Thursday Treadmill Treats
What you see is not what is..
Sometimes what you see is not what it is...yes, you may think...she has it all together, they have the perfect family, he has it made...
Wow...look at that big house, they drive those fancy cars, she wears designer clothes...I wish I was her...I wish I was him...
Yet you know nothing that goes on behind closed doors, because people are afraid to tell the truth, they are afraid to tell others that their lives are not perfect, that everything is falling apart around them.
They olny let you see what they want you to see...they have built a wall and painted it with the scene they think the world is expecting to see. And they would rather die than to admit the truth...they put up a front, put on that phony smile every day, pretend the bill collectors aren't calling all day, that they will never find someone, that her husband doesn't curse and put her down every day, that the only way to get through the day is by drinking, popping pills or living in a make believe world.
See I know about all of that, I lived that life and I have to tell you it's exhausting, you waste all your time and energy trying to keep your secrets. You can't sleep at night thinking of how you can keep up the lies, of how you can get through one more lying day and if you will get caught.
Here's the thing about the truth, it really will set you free, you can sleep at night, all your secrets are out, it's over, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.
When I came clean and I put it out here for the world to see and I mean literally for all the world to see...it was the most amazing feeling...it was over...I was free at last...24 years of lying and pretending and I was finally free. It didn't matter if everyone knew the truth... so what my "perfect" marriage wasn't perfect, my big castle was really my prison, my kids weren't perfect, my life was falling apart and I was drowning.
I no longer had to lie, I no longer had to worry...it was out there, say what you wanted to say...so what,
no one was paying my bills but me..its didn't matter...I was good...really good.
So many of us want to keep up with the jones, we see what we want to see and make assumptions based on that. Yet nothing is as it seems... it is only when you come clean, when you step up and own your dirt, your secrets, your lies that you can finally walk away with your head held high, knowing you are finally living your authentic life.
So today my friends...stop living your lie, stand up say enough is enough. A new year is approaching, start it right, start it clean, break free...the truth will set you free.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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