Why do women tear each other down?

Hump Treadmill Treats

This week I am on vacation, another blessing given to me by a friend, so I will be reblogging "the best of" treadmill treats.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed rereading them to pick them out for you...see you next week!

Why do women tear each other down?

I often wonder why is it? Maybe growing up and being "one of the boys" all my life, I didn't see all the girl drama, boys don't have that.

Watching my two teenage girls growing up, there is so much drama amongst girls, look I get it, they want to fit in, be liked, you don't really know who you are, your searching.

I remember telling my girls that's the difference between a girl and a women.

But alot of times that is not true and what is really sad is the women, the grown women we see on TV and in our own neighborhoods, are still petty and jealous, still wanting to tear each other down.

Does it make you feel better, tearing another down? Does it make you smarter? Prettier?
No, it makes you ugly to the core! Sorry I have to tell it like it is! I don't sugar coat it, if you read my blogs you know what I say, I am not Willy Wonker!

You are ugly to the core, the fact that you put others down, demean, treat others less than, because they are not what your idea of beauty is or that they don't have the latest shoes or designer bag or their not the right "size". Really? Is that what you base your self worth on? Then I feel truly sorry for you, you know nothing about being human, being a child of God.

I know that yes, even in church we have women like that, sometimes they are even more ugly because they are"righteous"
Hey, my Bishop who is a really smart man says "sick people come to church"

Yes, they are sick, dying inside trying to fill the bottomless pit where their soul once was. The only way to take the spotlight off of them is to shine it on others pointing out others "flaws"

Ask yourself, do you reach out to other women? Are you jealous of them? Do you really feel happy when good things happen to another women? Do you encourage and support them? If you answered no to any of these questions you need to look inside yourself and figure out what's missing inside in you. It is because your not whole within you, that causes you need a need do that?
Stop and think about why you do what you do...

So today my friends, remember what they say "Do not ever look down on someone unless your offering them a hand to get up"

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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