There is nothing more important than your happiness.
Tgif Treadmill Treats
There is nothing more important than your happiness
I write all the time about being happy, about changing your life and living large. Life is to short to be unhappy, you never know when your time will be up.
Do you really want to the to be here and thinking to yourself "Wow, the last 5 years,10 years, 20 years,
I have been so unhappy, what a waste of a great life"
No, I want to live my best life now and I am here to tell you, it can be your best life.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't give thanks for this life I have now and sometimes like recently, it is that much clearer how blessed I'm truly am.
Being divorced with kids means that you still have to deal with your ex about your children. Recently I had to meet with mine for a parent teacher conference with some issues with our daughter. Sometimes as much as we think we are over it, sometimes the memories flood back in, this was one of those times.
As we sat there with the teachers and he hardly gave them a chance to talk, when he cut me off and gave me that look of disgust like so many times in the past, when he turned things around blaming everyone, never excepting or owning any of his wrong doing, all of the last twenty years came flooding back, all of the put downs, all of the fights, all of the nights I tried to drown my misery in a glass of wine, crying in the bath. It almost took my breathe away and I realized now more than ever, that I am so happy that I am free.
I am in a constant state of gratefulness as if I was a prisoner finally let out of jail after many years. I never take anything for granted. Every day and even multiple times a day I give thanks for the life I have now and the ability to be able to take care of myself and my girls.
After so many years of believing his words that I could never make it without him, that I was nothing without him, there is nothing more satisfying than being able to do the opposite of what he said.
I am living and I am living well, I may not have the big house or the fancy cars and toys, I may not go on the big vacations or eat at the finest restaurants anymore but I could care less. I have something money could never buy, I have peace and joy and happiness and that my friends, is priceless.
So today my friends, remember life is short, time goes by in a second, don't live a life you hate. Don't stay in a marriage that your dying in, don't stay for the kids or for the big lifestyle, don't stay out of fear. You can do this, no its not easy sometimes but nothing worth anything is but I am here to tell you, it is so worth it! Because there is nothing more important than your happy, start today.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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