Reposition yourself and the blessings will follow you
Treadmill Treats Monday Message
Reposition yourself and the blessings will follow you
Life is like your satellite that has got shifted from the storm...
Sometimes storms come and they knock us around, we get lost, we get off track and we are not in alignment with God and his word.
See here's the thing, we look saved, we look born again but sometimes it's the cicumsations of life... money issues, relationship issues, problems that come at us and it is then we get out of focus.
We need to reposition ourselves, we need to adjust our faith back with God's.
Check out your life, what are you doing? Is it benefiting your life?
Are you in ailment to God's word?
The way we choice to live our life will determine the quality of our life.
Some of you are just surviving....just trying to get through each day.
Ask yourself are you hopeless? Are you lost in finding your purpose?
Are you walking around thinking is this all there is?
You don't see that God has so much more for you. Bigger dreams than you could ever dream for yourself.
The problem is your obligations are robbing you of your blessings.
That power that is in you, you lost your energy, your hope...your in the what could have been...what should have been stage, you can't get past that.
Your mind is still on the things from your past... your driving your car looking through the rear view mirror.
You need a kingdom look at things above you and not below you.
Life begins when you first acknowledge the rule of law, God's law.
But you allowed your obligations to move you out of focus. Bills, drama, stress all the things "life" is throwing at you instead of what God has told you to in him.
Get back into focus...otherwise you will be be filled with regrets
Whenever your hardships come it's because your not in alignment
Is God at the top of your list?
Are you trying to figure out your problems? Are you not asking God about every area in your life?
Some of you are taking the long way because your not doing these things.
If you think the journey of the faith life will be easy... reality won't, sorry no sugar coating here.
This will be a battle...this will knock you down, this might kill you, let's be real.. the enemy doesn't want you to have a perfect life so he will come at you time and time again, wearing you down until you give up and say this isn't working.
The thing is you cant want to do it your way...
You have to reposition yourself for the blessing he has for you.
Is not just by works that get it done...its by faith...
You must have faith, an unwavering belief that it will happen, that you are doing all you can and the rest you leave in his hands.
Let go of stress, of worry, grab on to faith. Do what your suppose to do, read his word, be around others who believe for support, do your best to be the person he wants you to be.
Hand it over to him... reposition yourself and you will be amazed. You will receive his all of his blessings, he has for you.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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