Miracles in Action

Miracles in Action 

So this past weekend I was down, I went to the beach and cried almost the whole day. The night before I fought with God asking him why and when, I basically had a pity party by myself. I am not where I want to be and even though I know he knows my heart, I feel lost and alone.

On Saturday night after the beach I was flicking through the channels and something caught my eye. It was on Prime and it was called Miracles in Action, a true life story of this woman's life.
She met and married her husband and three months later he had a brain  aneurysm and had to have an 18 hour surgery. They told her he wouldn't survive and if he did he wouldn't talk or he would be a vegetable. But God...he survived and was perfectly fine. Now you would think that was bad enough but no, a few years later her brother who had schizophrenia ended up killing their sister. This tore the family apart, she asked God for a sign and as she grieved she found a letter in her sister's pocketbook which was a letter from her sister to God. She said this gave her the peace she needed to heal and eventually forgive her brother.

Her and her husband started a family and then ended up adopting a boy into their home. Things seemed great. They had 4 children, a great life and were grateful even after all that had happened to them. When she was deployed to Japan again, her husband and kids stayed in California. One day as they were driving back home, someone cut them off. Their car flipped off the highway dropping down 25 feet and landing on two other parked cars and their two sons were killed instantly.
Devastated, she asked God for a sign and a while later she found letters her sons had written to her weeks before their deaths which she knew immediately was the sign she needed.

This faith and trust in God got her through the toughest times in her life. She didn't turn away from God or blame him, no she held onto the fact that this was his plan, that her loved ones were in peace and with him.
She now speaks about her trials all over the country inspiring others.

Now I know there was a reason that I picked this show, I know nothing happens by accident. See this is my purpose, this is what I had been asking God for, this was a message for me and my pity party I was having. But because God knows I need more than one sign, at the end of this story she says she knows "that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose"

Well that was it, I went unto the ugly cry because that is my Bible verse, every time I need reassurance God as always shows me this verse. I knew that this was truly a sign from him. He wanted me to know that as bad as I thought my life was, as much as I went through, he showed me that there is always someone out there that went through more. The lesson was, if she could still hold on to her faith, if she could have gone through way worse than I could ever imagine then I know that I too, can hold on. I need to hold on to the fact that my message is for others as well and to just hold on and wait for my miracle 

She went on to say that she's learned how to search for the miracles. 
Never forget that God can turn your hurt into your harvest.
Your pain into your power.
Your power into your passion. 
That mess into his message.
That situation into his sanctuary. 
Your test into your testimony.
Your words into your worship. 
Your misery into your miracles…

Either you can search for your misery or your miracles, the choice is yours.
You choose to be happy because death is inevitable but misery is optionable, so choose to be happy.

So today my friends, this is God's message for me and maybe for you as well, and as I say at the end of every blog… Be the change you want to see.


Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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