Did Dave Chapelle offend you

Did Dave Chapelle offend you?

So I finally watched the whole Dave Chapelle special this weekend. I know the whole world is talking about him and what he said and yes, I know everyone has an opinion on it and yes, I do as well.
First off I love him, he's funny as hell but what I love most is that he is real as hell. That is what I get from him, he tells it like it is, like him or not, he doesn't give a shit.

So before you jump on me you should also know that I have many gay friends. My best friend is gay and I know and support many in the LGBTQ community. My opinion and yes, I get it...like my mama used to say, opinions are like assholes everyone has one. 
Like I was saying, my opinion is that I didn't find anything demeaning in what he said. We are just too damn sensitive in the world now that we can't say anything without everyone screaming cancel culture! 

He is a comedian for God sake, he is supposed to make fun of everyone and if you really listened to his message and yes, there was a message in there if you bothered to pay attention to the whole special was what he learned from people in the LGBTQ community.

He asked questions, he learned, and along the way he made a good friend, who taught him many things. If you are so highly offended by watching him, don't watch him but all this talk about canceling him because you think he offends you is bullshit. We still live in a free country as far as I know and we are allowed to say whatever we want to. You seem to want a ban on everything someone says, if that is the case you should move to Russia or Cuba, they have plenty of bans there. 

What he also said was true, this man walked away from a 50 million dollar contract to say what he wanted to say. He was not going to be restricted then and he's sure not going to restrict himself now. Not many people in Hollywood ever did that for their views, not to lose 50 million dollars. But he did, because people, the network or whoever else was not going to tell him what he can and cannot say. 

What happened to the days of great comedians like Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Sam Kinison, Redd Foxx, Andrew Dice Clay, Joan Rivers, and George Carlin? These were comedians that pushed the envelope, that said things that so many people were thinking but didn't have the balls to say. Did they offend people? Absolutely but they were equal opportunity offenders, stick around long enough and they would get to you or what you would find offensive.

That's called comedy. That's called art, the expression of what they feel, the artist point of view. They are, we are, allowed in this country to be able to have all kinds of different views and ideas...imagine that? Again you have a choice, change the dam channel if it is offensive to you, don't buy the dam book, stop following them on social media, we have always had that choice.

But how far are we going to go in this society? Where everyone's a winner and we all get a trophy so no one feels bad losing. Where parents are trying to be their children's best friends and yet they let them watch violence and sex on Youtube and in their favorite cartoons. Where their up in arms about abortion but won't help in any other way than pointing fingers. We are such a  hypocritical society, we want what we want but if it affects us then we don't want it anymore.

Do you want to live in a  Communist country where everything you do is turned into the government for punishment?
Well, it seems like we are going there. And again before you jump all over me I believe in equal rights, I believe in women's rights and the right for her to have her say over her body. I am a journalist and believe in the right to free speech. I am a believer in the Black lives movement and the LGBTQ community. I stand up for what is wrong to try to make a difference but we are going too far with this cancel culture. 

So today my friends, the message I took away from Dave was that he was willing to learn. He was compassionate about his friend and their community and it hurt him deeply when after his friend stood up for him, she decided to kill herself.
Like he said, that was his tribe who got him. We may not all have to get it because it may not be our tribe but he was saying to be open to it because you never know who will be in your tribe.
And like I always say…"Be the change you want to see"

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