Knowing your worth

Knowing your worth 

Since this month is domestic violence month I want to write about this topic a lot. So many of us do not know our own self worth. We lost ourselves in a relationship and have let our self esteem walk off a long time ago.

I know because I did that while I was in my abusive marriage for 24 years. I lost myself, I ended up not even knowing or liking who I was anymore. I gave it all away to him, to "please" him, to make him happy but it doesn't matter because you will never make them happy. No matter how good you do something, it won't be good enough for them.They are not happy with themselves so how could you possibly make them happy? 

Recently I got to see up close and personal what I ran away from eight years ago. How the person you love can treat you like shit, put you down, make you feel like your his slave and it took all I had not to say something because I will no longer hold my damn  tongue.
But I've also learned that sometimes if you open your mouth, they will drag your friend away from you. They don't want anyone, friends or family to put anything in their ears so that's why they pull you away. They will tell you they don't like them and that they don't think they are good for you when in reality they are not good for them. They don't want you to get a backbone or finally smarten up, so of course they will say anything to keep them away from you.

But as my other girlfriend said to me, this was a lesson I needed to see. And it was because I said I don't care if I'm an old maid for the rest of my life, all alone… but I will never let another man treat me that friggin way again! I'd rather be alone than put down, called names, be someone's slave again. Walking on eggshells to make sure I do everything perfect, killing myself to please someone else...oh hell no!! 

That shit will never happen again! It definitely was a lesson and it definitely made me appreciate the lessons I learned while I was with the Prince. 
He appreciated me, he taught me to expect respect, to know my worth and never take less. And God has a sense of humor because the same day I was learning this lesson my remember when on Facebook was a picture of flowers that the Prince sent to me and it said when you're having a bad week and he brings you flowers, your favorite ice cream and a back rub to make you feel better. This is what we should expect instead of when we are feeling sick, to feel like we have to keep going because the other person will get mad or put you down, that your so worried that you'll rather kill yourself doing it than quit and hear their mouth.

Seriously, is that any way to live? No, not for me I've learned my lesson, thank you very much! I don't need a repeat performance. But to be honest I am hard headed and I did need to learn it a few times before it sunk in. 
Yes, I did date quite a few narcissistic men, passive aggressive, controlling men after my divorce before I learned that lesson. It only takes that one day, that one person to show you your worth, to treat you like gold for you to realize that you are worth it. 

That this is the way every man should and better treat you from that point on. I will never tolerate disrespect, I will never sell my soul to make someone happy again. I love myself now, I don't have to answer to anyone, I am my own boss and don't get it twisted I'm not saying I don't want a relationship, I do but I will never be in one that treats me less than, that puts me down, that makes me question myself or makes me hate myself again. 

So today my friends, I'm telling you that you are worth it! You are smart, beautiful, you can do anything so why? Why are you staying in a place that is killing your spirits and your soul? Because "he loves me" I hear that one many times and I even said it myself but darling love does not hurt, love is not painful, love does not make you cry and try to change you. 
True love is a love that accepts you for you, flaws and all.
It teaches you how to be good to yourself.
It shows you they are there for you and they will take care of you.
It is pure unselfish love for another person, where you put yourself in their shoes and you don't want to hurt them in any way, shape or form.
That is true love, I know because I had it with the Prince and I will not settle for anything less anymore.

Don't settle, you can be lonely with someone, you can feel miserable even when you have a "man"
Let me ask you? Wouldn't you want peace and joy in your life? 
I am choosing peace and joy over anything else and my prayer for you is that you will too.
Please reach out today to your local women's shelters or domestic violence hotline and like I always say at the end of every blog "Be the change you want to see" 

Join our women's community @SoulSistersSoulution 

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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