Chasing God's timing
Chase after God's timing
It's our nature to pursue things. Whether it's a person or things, we chase them in order to achieve personal satisfaction.
Your desire is to have and live the good life, you want to be successful in what you do. These ideas you have about what you want and need are all for your personal satisfaction.
You want the best job, the right person, a big house or a fancy car and there is nothing wrong with that but God wants us to be satisfied with what we have now and he wants us to wait on his timetable.
Is it really satisfaction we are chasing? Or is it a rush to get things to try to impress other people? But in reality most of the people we are trying to impress couldn't care less about us or what we have. We need to find contentment but what is contentment? Contentment in Hebrew means to be pleased, to be completely satisfied with what God has done for you. Where you are at now, in this moment.
The problem is that even when you get the things, you are not content.
That job you wanted or that person you chased after and wanted so bad when you got it, you weren't satisfied.
It says in the bible "Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied in what you have now because God says, never will I leave you or forsake you"
Your immediate needs are not his immediate attention. So don't get disappointed when you're praying and you don't get it. I remember praying to leave my abusive marriage and I wanted it now. I wanted out but God's plan was for me to stay for 4 more years. I kept the faith, I believed, I envisioned my life that I was going to have, I held on to that mustard seed size of faith even though I felt like I was dying there.
It was hard to swallow that it was on his time, and not mine. Remember for everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.
Everything has a time, it may not be on your time but if you hold on, you will get it.
This generation wants things now, quickly, they can't even wait to watch anything over a minute. We are hungry for power, we are hungry for money, we are hungry for love. We want it now, and we lose faith when we don't get it right away.
So today my friends remember, God says "Come buy wine and milk without money and without price"
He is telling us he will provide for us. "Why do you spend money, for that is not bread, and your labor for it, that does not satisfy"
Waiting on God requires patience, self control, and consistency. Ask yourself who and what are you waiting on?
And then realize that we must hold on, we must believe that he will prepare the table for us on his time, and, when you stop chasing after God's timing.
"Be the change you want to see"
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