Looking back over your life

Looking back at your life

So many of us get to the second half of our lives and we start thinking is this all there is? We question our past decisions and the choices we have made. Here's the thing, we cannot go back and undo what we did as much as we would like to. We need to examine our decisions, analyze why we did what we did, and look for the lessons in that.

When we are young we have no life experience, we think we have all the time in the world, and that we are invincible. We do reckless things and make stupid decisions based on where we are at that time of our lives. This is the time to try and fail, to learn the lessons so that we can move forward. So then why do we beat ourselves up so much for this? When a child learns to walk and falls down over and over do we call them stupid for not learning to walk faster? Of course not, we know this is their time to learn but we also know that they don't give up, no matter how many times they may fall they keep trying. This is the attitude we must have. To keep trying, to not beat ourselves up when we fail, to learn and try other ways to get what we want. 

Yet so many people are stuck in their pasts, on past mistakes or choices. We need to let that go, learn the lessons we must, and move on. I sure as hell hope no one judges me on what I did 20 or 30 years ago. I am a different person now, I've learned to search for the lessons, learn from them and move on. 

So today my friends remember, when you are looking back at your life, look for the lessons and leave the guilt behind. Allow yourself the freedom of mistakes and redemption, because we are all human, we all make mistakes and we can all learn something when we look back on our lives.

"Be the change you want to see"


"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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