Every season serves a purpose

Every season serves a purpose

Every season serves a purpose, each season creates an opportunity for you to excel.
Sometimes the season you are in right now sucks!
Seriously let's be real, this might be the sucky season for you, and your thinking, are you for real? Can any more crap happen to me?
What? Did you think because you deserve it or better yet because you are "a Christian" now it's all going to be sunshine and roses? No, sorry to bust your bubble, not happening.

There will be horrible seasons and there will be incredible seasons, that my friends, is life.
I remember seeing this commercial and it says too much of a good thing is bad, he has one of something and it's good but when a hundred show up, not so good. Same thing if we only had sunny days, how would we appreciate them without knowing the storms?
You have to go through the really bad times so when the really good times come you are truly grateful for them.

Here's the key, while going through your bad season, are you cursing God? Are you saying why me? Do you lose your faith? Are you in the poor me phase? This is the difference between a winner and a loser, it is how you get to the finish line, and that's it. If no matter what life throws at you if you still believe you will be okay. If you have faith, if you have a positive attitude, if you know that you will get through this, you are a winner and you will succeed.

Now here comes my Willy Wonker, warning! 
No sugar-coating shit! Yes, even when you do all of that, even when you know things are going to get better, you will occasionally fall on your face. You will let a co-worker have it because he is disrespectful towards you. You have one person on the phone screaming at you and three on hold waiting to scream at you. You will be stuck at a job you can't stand and think this is not my purpose! You will think when is this season coming? Come on, haven't I waited long enough? You will cry and yell and throw your hands up (oh wait, that was my day yesterday!)

Yes, I am human, I fall down, I get frustrated, and yes, I ask when is my season coming? So on days like this, what I do is take a walk outside and take a few deep breaths. I'll listen to my music and I pray and give thanks. Yes, in the midst of all of this, I stop to give thanks. I give thanks for all the other blessings I have and for the incredible blessings that will be coming my way soon enough.
That is what got me through the rest of my day and I know that when I get to church I will get a message. It will always be the one I need to hear, at the moment I need to hear it!
Yesterday I gave thanks to the prince who knew I had a bad day and brought me flowers to cheer me up. Yes, there will always be bad days in your life but you must be grateful for the little things like getting flowers, having your girls say that they love you, and having someone to hold you and tell you it will be alright.
So today my friends, remember if your having one of my days stop, breathe, give thanks, and be grateful. It will all be alright, your season is coming, hold on, believe, trust, and have faith, that's all you have to do and you will be okay because every season serves a purpose.
"Though I go through it yet I will trust you, I will have faith and I will never fear"

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 
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