Janet Jackson, my story

Janet Jackson, my story 

So I watched the documentary on Hulu about Janet Jackson, and let me tell you, this was not some fly by night documentary. This was hers, in her own voice, telling her truth without any filters.

I have been a Jackson fan since they first came out. This was my generation's music. The Jackson's were the hottest group on the planet. And I remember watching Janet appear on their variety show when she was just a baby. I followed her career through television, the series Good times, Fame and then onto her solo singing career and of course back to the big screen in many movies including Tyler Perrys. Nothing gets to me more than a strong woman and she is definitely a strong woman.

She always had an innocence about her, she was so sweet and shy. But when she decided to stop letting others control her life, well we all know what happened then. Her album Control came out and broke charts across the globe. This was a women's anthem, our theme song that we were going to take back control like it or not. This album shot her into superstardom just like her brothers.

Yet in her personal life she still kept picking controlling men, men who had issues. She opened up all of that and even all the rumors about her brother and their family. There was nothing that was held back from this documentary. There have been so many stories about the Jackson's, so many books written about them and we the public don't know what's true or not. Janet said she wanted to do this to set the record straight about her and her family and boy did she. 

There were never seen videos of her life, her going to her old house where the family first lived. Home videos of her and Michael and family interviews throughout. This showed her pain of growing up Jackson and how that made her who she is today. She is a true superstar, a legion who opened the doors for so many that came after her. And yet there is still the sweet, quiet, shy child inside of her.

So today my friends, if you love the Jackson's and especially Janet, then take the time to see this documentary. If you didn't love her before you will certainly fall in love with her now. 

Thank you, queen…you are amazing! 

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