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The Things You Take for Granted, Someone Else Is Praying For

The Things You Take for Granted, Someone Else Is Praying For I love this saying, and we all know that we never appreciate what we have until it's gone. You think the grass is always greener on the other side. But we must realize that you can't have a testimony unless you have a test. How do you know how far you can actually go until you are tested? Yes, so many people are like this out there. They have no concept of what is right in front of them. They are constantly looking at what others have..."Oh look, they have the bigger house, I want that," "Oh, I am sick of my man, I know there's someone better out there, I want a new one, " "Oh, look at her, she has all those expensive shoes and bags, must be nice, I want that, why can't that be me?" Oh, yes, so many people are so envious and jealous of what others have that they have no idea how truly blessed they are. They will throw it all away to search after that "pot of gold" at the

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