Freedom it means so much!

Fourth of July we think about a day off, the beach , bbqs and hanging with family and friends but its about our county's freedom. Its about all kind of freedoms to anle able to speak our minds, to choose who we want to vote for, who as of late we want to marry, free to do and say many things others For me freedom means alot, being in a verbally abusive relationship for twenty four years, it means I am able to be my self , say what ever comes out of my mouth, even if I sound like a.sailor! It means I have my own ideas, my own friends,.and I do.t have walk around on eggshells. Freedom is so very sweet to me as I know how it felt to be a.prisoner, to look outside wishing and praying I was free yet not having the strength to.leave that terrible situation. I cried every day for god to end my suffering, yet every day I awoke next to my captor. Untik one day the pain was just to great and it over powered the fear and I stood up and said no.more I must be free at any cost ,I cannot breathe.I am dying a.slow painful death.and I want to live, more than anything I want to live and laugh and.feel joy in my heart! So can I say its been a easy road to joy , no it has not but I cannot tell you how sweet peace and joy feels like now I am no longer.looking out that window wishing I was living that life ,I am living it ,I am stepping out of my box doing things I never thought.I could do , it is amazing, but I did not do this kn my own god has brought me here and carried me.when I thought I coukd no longer . He believed for me ,he knew the end result I just followed and believed. So for any who are in this situation today declare your self free! Make today be your own fourth.of July. You can do it and it is so much better than you ever dreamt!


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