I have to much energy I broke yet another phone...

Yes people I broke yet another phone this is my sixth one in less than two years. No I haven't dropped them, or got them wet its has to be all the energy I. My body! They just seem to go crazy then freeze up and died and yes I clean them out ,do hard resets and all the other "tricks" but to no avail dead like door nails! T-Mobile must hate me by now,they are so losing money on me . I have a friend you might all know her on here Miss Halley Elise every time she touches a clock its done with, not knowing that, I bought her one as a gift.it was beautiful, the kind in the dome as soon as.she tried to set poof it was over dead! So I always try to look on the bright side at least it was before I went to New York, I didnt really need all those numbers anyjow lol. It is all ok ( as long as you.didnt ask me on friday as I was chewing them out about the crappy phone) I have realized that its small potatoes and I have to let go ,breathe in and accept the fact shit happens ! Then move on with your day why let something or better yet someone(got lots of that too!) Ruin your day ,hell no I have worked way to hard for this peace and joy to just give it away that fast. I walk away,breathe, ask for help from above (that I dont punch someone,told you im far from perfect, people!) And let it go ! Try it ,yes it takes pratice but you can do it ,if I can ,you can trust me on that!


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