The results of believing

Treadmill Treats

The results of believing

I am always telling you to believe, to have faith, to never give up hope, this is the whole purpose of this blog, to let you know nothing is impossible if you believe!

I feel so strongly about this I even had the word believe tattooed on my foot, so that each and every day I could look down and know that is my philosophy of life.

I believe in change, I read self help books, I went to therapy, I made vision boards with what I wanted to happen. Every night I would dream about what my life would be like after my divorce, I believed it so much it was as if I was already living it and I never gave up hope even when I was still there long after I wanted to be, I knew it would come on God's time not mine.

Well I am here to let you know if you don't stop believing, it will come! Yes. I am living proof, that even without a job, even just starting my own business, even without getting alimony,I still moved out to a place I had dreamt about, a place I envisioned.

I sold my just started business, I am self sufficient, I am at peace and have so much joy in my life now. The things I put on that vision board so many years ago are coming to pass.

I just got back from a trip of a lifetime to Greece, guess what yup, it was on my vision board, yes I dreamed about going for years as a single, independent women and here I am... yet another result in believing!

So, when I tell people, I dream about, I have it on my vision board, I envision it as it as if it has already happened, I speak it into the universe each and every day, that my book will be (not maybe, not I hope) but WILL BE a New York Times bestseller, that I will have an international known blog and that I will be on the women of faith tour and/ or the Louise Hay You can do it tour, I know this is coming, this will be...there is no question, no doubt in my mind, this is what is meant to be and will be.

Yes, I have sick faith, that sick faith carried me out of some of the darkest, deepest places you could imagine, it got through when I no longer had strength or no longer wanted to go on.

What had happened to Robin Williams hit close to home, there before the grace of God goes I, yes that could have been me, I was in that place of hopelessness but deep down I wouldn't let go of this dream and God saw that and sent a angel to save my life.

Because I am so grateful for this and everything in my life, it is my mission, my purpose to tell everyone that this too can happen to you, I am no one special, I've had hard times, horrible times and good times, we are the same, if I can do this, you most certainly can do this, all you have to do is believe.

So today my friends, start small If you have to, I started with a ring that said believe, I would look at it every day, dream about what you want before you go to sleep, day dream about it, put it on a vision board, speak it into the universe as if it already is, and never, never stop believing... it is all possible, it can and will happen just look at me.


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