Are you a person of your word?
Hump day Treadmill Treats
Are you a person of your word?
Me and my bestie every morning on the way to work talk to each other, we cover any and all topics and usually end up laughing.
One of the topics this week were being a man of your word, or a women of your word and how many people have no concept of that. If I tell you I will be somewhere don't look at your watch, I will be there, if I say I will do something for you unless I get hit by a car I am doing it.
My ex use to say he was a man of his word and he was until you did something that he didn't like and then all bets were off as he used it as a form of malipatiion against you. Like when he said he would give me the commission on renting this property and then when I moved in, he said sorry not happening because he was pissed that I really did all of this on my own,I left him, so his word didn't mean much. Not really a man of your word if that's how you play the game.
Perfect example this week,I had a verbal agreement with my landlord about the sale price of the house I am renting and looking to buy from them. When I took the time,trouble and expense to write up the contract, they decided they wanted more money,she said it wasn't legally binding, the verbal agreement but what about morally? It's okay to say one thing then renig on your deal?
Is that not lying because it's not legally binding? Give me a break!
People lie all the time, they say things and then expect others to back them,or cover for them, bringing others into the web of lies, that grow and grow.
My bestie has a great outlook, she says she don't lie because it takes too much to remember what lie you said and to who and eventually you get caught.
I am always telling it like it is,I don't sugar coat anything,I can't lie, I put my life out here each and every day,it is what it is. Yes I screw up, I say I am sorry ,I am human, I will make mistakes but why try to run away or lie, stand up, own what you did or said. That is what truly makes you a person of your word.
So today my friends,remember no it might not be easy,it might not be "legally binding " it might not be beneficial to you,but it's the only thing you have that truly shows the world the type of person you are inside.
What type of person are you really ?
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