Some people will never learn the lessons they are supposed to
Hump day Treadmill Treats
Some people will never learn the lessons they need.
I try to look at everything as a lesson, everything that happens in my life, good or bad, I ask myself what lessons is there?
There is always a lesson if you look, if you open your eyes and open your heart you will learn.
Some people just don't get it, they continue to do the same things over and over, they continue the same patterns and the same behavior, yet they whine that they are in the same situation as before, no duh!
Nothing changes when nothing changes, wait here's a better one, what's the the definition of insanity? It is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!
Again sorry not Willy Wonker, not going to sugar coat the truth, put on your big girl panties and open up your eyes to the lessons, it is then you will take what you've learned and change.
What is the lesson of your divorce? What is the lesson that you keep picking the same type of toxic person? Are people telling you things over and over? Your self centered? your mean? You have a cruel tongue?
And you keep saying it's everyone else, yet why is it these things keep coming up over and over?
Hello! It's because it's you not them, face reality, own your part, learn your lesson then move on and change.
Stop making excuses, they don't get me, it's them not me, I'm perfectly fine, they don't know what they are talking about. No, you have to much of an ego to admit that you might actually have a part of your miserly. I loved my Bishops acknowledged ego = edging God out, your too full of yourself and that is why your not learning your lessons.
I gave up ego when I started writing this blog, I wanted to help inspire others and to do that I needed to throw away my ego and show people the good, the bad and the really ugly, I had to show them how I fell on my face, got up, fell on my face in the mud again and continued to get back up, stronger and smarter, learning a lesson each time so that I might pass it on to someone else.
Yes, I have made some really stupid mistakes, they are not me, they were there to teach me, yes, I am not perfect but I try to see the lessons and keep trying to be a better person.
So today my friends, stop blaming everyone else, look at your failures, your mistakes, put your ego in check and look for the lessons in your life, it will change your world when you do.
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