The next fifty will be the best 50!
Treadmill Treats Monday message
The next 50 years will be the best 50 years
I just turned 50 and I am not ashamed to say it! I am proud to be 50, I earned this gray hair (yeah, yeah its there, not that you'll ever see it ! But trust me its there!) I have gained wisdom and knowledge I never had before.
It was a long, rough road to get here and at times I never thought I would make it but I kept the faith, I kept believing it would get better, I held on even when I couldn't see the sun and even when the pain was overwhelming, even when I didn't have the strength to wake up one more day yet I held on knowing someday it would get better.
I never knew and I certainty never dreamed it could be this good! This life I have now is better than I could have dream of, I found the source of my strength my God, I have an incredible peace in my life, I no longer have stress or worry as I let it go, I have a wonderful family, my relationship with my girls are stronger than ever, I have the best friends that anyone could have and I have found a church family and Bishop that fills my soul.
Yes, I am not ashamed, not worried and certainly don't think my life is over because I am 50. Growing older in this country, people act like it's a bad thing,it's not, you are as young as you feel, age is truly a number, I did my first triathlon at 49!
No, I am young at heart, I exercise, eat right for the most part, I keep my mind active, I am busy, I have a full life filled with friends and family. I no longer watch TV, I no longer watch the news, sorry not letting depressing news into my atmosphere, as well as depressing people, negative people. Sorry this age comes with wisdom as I said, I can say no, just because I don't want to do something, I can choose not to hang out and waste my time, hello! It's my time!
I am no longer a people pleaser, I am a me pleaser! I am doing , going and hanging out with what pleases me, I keep telling you life is way to short, it can be over tomorrow, I am enjoying each and every moment of the life I have left, the way I want to, this is what age gives you, a voice that you are not ashamed of, you've earned it, it's yours speak it, loud and clear!
My next fifty years, if I am blessed to have that many, will even be better, I am not slowing down, no I will continue to try to get knowledge,to try to be more of a blessing to others,to try to be the best me I can possibly be, I will enjoy each and every moment my God is going to give me, be present in it, truly present and grateful of its gift.
So today my friends, realize how precious your time on this earth is, use all you have learned on this journey, all the knowledge, all the wisdom and all the love and rejoice in the fact that you are still here, better and stronger than ever and know that fifty is fabulous!
Take it from me I know!
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