Looking for Mr.Perfect...for me

Hump day Treadmill Treats

Looking for Mr.Perfect... for me

Going through this remodel of my new home, it has made me think a lot of how nice it would be to have a man in my life.

Yes, to do all the handy work  (Not that I've ever known what that was like as my ex was a jap and didn't do anything ) but to also bounce ideas off and talk to at night about all my worries and fears.

It would be nice to have a man take me out to dinner, to hold my hand while we walk on the beach, to workout with, to laugh with and cry with. Yes, these are the things I miss most about being single.

Recently a old high school friend and I reconnected and when I told him I was single, he was shocked, I asked why, he replied "because you were never without a man". I was taken back, but then I realized he was right, I dated my high school sweetheart for 6 years, in between break ups, I dated
and after we broke up for good I was single for about a year and a half but during that time I dated a lot of men.

I then meet the man I thought I was going to marry, we were together for 3 years before I got cold feet and ran away, another year of serial dating and then I met my ex which I was with for 24 years.

He was right...I was never truly alone until now, I have been separated for 2 years, divorced for one, I didn't date while I was separated, as I was trying to find me. When I first got divorced all of my friends said I should be alone, find myself, enjoy being alone but I didn't listen, being starved for love for 24 years and being treated like dirt, you crave for affection, your dying for someone to treat you kind.

So when the first man after my divorce came with his speal  about how he always loved me since we were young and wanted to spend his life with me I fell hook, line and sinker. I didn't see the warning signs and I got played. Good lesson to learn because that made me want to be by myself, I reached deep within to find me and what I really wanted and didn't want in a relationship and if I ever wanted one again.

This time has given me so many things, like the knowledge I can take care of myself, that I like myself and my own company,that it's okay to be picky about what you want in a man.

And I realized that in order for me to get into another relationship he has to be perfect... for me.

Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow...



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