Why I am grateful

Hump day Treadmill Treats

Why I am grateful

This is a start of a new year, another chance to get it right, to do over, to look back and remember lessons you learned from last year.
For me it's a time to reflect on how far I've come from the year before, from 5 years before, even 20 years before, to where I stand today.

When I realize how far I've  come it is amazing to me that I've even survived. While writing and editing my soon to be published New York times best selling book "The blessings in disguise"
I cry......because I see all I've been through, all of the hardships, and the trails and pain that have endured in my life and I am grateful for all I have now.

I, like all of you have been through dark times and I am grateful for the strength to come out on the other side whole. These are the things I am most grateful for. ..

1. I am grateful that I found  God in my life again.

2. I am grateful for my girls, my family and my friends I chose for my family, these people keep me going, have my back and give me unconditional love and support.

3.That I over came my drug and alcohol abuse, that I no longer need these things to cover my pain

4.That I learned to forgive, I forgave the man who raped me, I forgave my ex for all of his abuse and all my enemies for what they did against me.

5.I am grateful for the lessons I've learned even the painful lessons because they all taught me something.

6. I am grateful for the peace and the joy I feel in my heart, because I know what it's like not to have it.

7. I am grateful for faith, for believing in something I cannot see or feel or touch but knowing without a doubt it's there.

8. I am grateful for my health and my mind that after all I've been through I still have both.

9. I am grateful for my purpose, this gift God has given me to write and to be able to touch and inspire others with my words.

10. I am grateful for all of the miracles I have seen God do in my life and in others and that I can pay it forward to be a blessing to others.

So today my friends look around see what you are truly grateful for, the things that make you cry because you are so full of gratitude, it is then you will know you are truly blessed.



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