New you

New years day Treadmill Treats

New year, new you!

Last night I went to church, yes church doesn't sound like the place to be on new year's eve but I am so truly grateful for all the blessings I have that I wanted to be in the place that changed my life, to be able to give thanks and to hear the message for the upcoming year.

My Bishop say to stop and listen, that so many times you want to do it your way and you miss your blessings. All year long God has been knocking, he's been telling you to follow him but you done? Just what you wanted to do and where did it get you? No where! God was waiting on you to walk out on faith knowing he would take care of you.

This message was for me, see the keyword "was" because this year I will no longer doubt, I will walk in faith because of all the miracles I have seen him do already in my life.

He spoke of forgiveness for others, about letting go and cutting out negative people from your life, to be grateful for your blessings even through a storm and to let go of your mistakes.
These are the things you need to start the year off with.

Today is the first day of your new year, it's like a ech a shech  you shook it and now the slate is clean, time to start over,start fresh. Leave the mistakes of last year behind you, let go of people who were weighing you down, negative people, nasty people ,choose who will be in your circle this year. Chose how what you will put up with, chose  to be positive, this is a new year you get to chose how it will be.

But you know what? Its made up of 365 days, 365 do overs, if you make a mistake, you have another day to do it over, don't beat yourself up over it, just get up ,dust yourself off and do it  over!

So today my friends, it's the start of a new year, your new year, you get to chose how you want it to start and how you want it to end, don't be in the same place next year because you didn't listen or weren't willing to change, it all starts with you, make this your best year! That is my resolution!


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