We all need a little help from our friends

Tgif Treadmill Treats

We all need a little help from our friends

Even though I write an inspirational blog and most of the time I am the most positive person you will ever meet, I am human and sometimes yes, even I will get down, feel blue and lose hope.

This last week was just that for me, I don't know where it came from but bam! It hit me like a ton of bricks and I couldn't shake it for the life of me.

Work has been slow, when you work for yourself it's either feast or famine, my car needed tires, my girls been driving me crazy, with lots of friends over, dirty house, air on 45, eating all my food, typical summer behavior. My new phone is flipping out, so is my computer, my blogging site is not working, a hundred things that could go wrong did and to top it off honey boo boos mom has a boyfriend and I dont! Really?

Sometimes it's overwhelming being single, trying to hustle 3 jobs, a house, kids, blogging, writing, promoting and this week was it for me. I felt defeated, like everything was against me and I had no strength to go on.

And so I snapped, I came home every night and jumped under the covers, I didn't cook, I didn't clean, I didn't do any extra work I needed to do for my book, I watched sappy movies and I cried, I felt sorry for myself and what I didn't have.

Yes, truly a week long pity party, it was so bad I didn't even make my bed that whole week and I am a neat freak. Yes, that's how bad it got.

Thank God for my friends and my faith because they know me so well. They were there with words of encouragement, they told me when God has great things in store for you, the enemy will come at you strongest, they prayed with me and for me, they were there with a shoulder to cry on.

I prayed and asked God to fill me up, I put it all in his hands as I felt I had no strength to fight this. Yet again he answered my prayers on Wednesday as I sat in church and cried for the 100th time that week, the message was your now is not your Future, that this is a test of your faith.

Then he finished with...Romans 8.28 my Bible verse, that I hear every time I feel I can't go on I hear...yes, this was another sign that I was going to be okay.

The next morning with a renewed attitude, I woke up feeling like myself, knowing that I will be okay because I have faith, the love of family and friends and my God in my corner.

So today my friends, know that it is okay to sometimes get overwhelmed, lose hope, get down just don't keep yourself parked there forever, do something about it, get a little help from your friends and know that now is not your future.

"Be the change you want to see"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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