Refuel and keep moving

Treadmill Treats Monday Message

Refuel and keep moving

Have you ever been so tired you can't eat, you can't sleep? You are so drained you have no energy for anything? Your even to tired to sleep?

That is sometimes the way it is in your faith walk too, things get so hard that you can't even pray, you lost hope, you have no strength left, you feel you can't go on.

But within all of us, there is a fighter. You do have the courage to go on, its in all of us, there is a button in all of us, that if you push it, you will fight back, yes, it is in there.

Don't let the challenges of life drain you, don't let the family drama drain you, don't let the negative people in your life suck you dry. You've got to learn to get up every day and say it's going to be a good day, no one is going to suck the energy out of me, today I will be in peace.
This is your choice, you know what you have to do to change your life.

You hold the key to what your future will be like, no one else but you! 
Your thinking this is so hard... what you thought because you turned your life over to God it was magically going to be perfect?

The bible never told you the journey would be easy but it did said we will overcome... we are more than conquers, we are overcomers! There will be tests before you will have a testimony.

What about just being grateful for all the small things,why don't you start there, then find other things you are grateful for. Before long you will be grateful for all things in your life.

The load you carry each day is a sign that you can handle it, that it will not kill you, that you have the grace to deal with your situation and every problem you face...God gives you the grace and it is sufficient for you to go on. His power is perfect in your weakness... you can be kept if you know he is there for you.

So today my friends, the level of your problems will tell the size of your blessings... yes change your life, keep the faith, never stop believing and stop and refuel when your feeling low,you can't drive on empty.

"Be the change you want to see"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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