Do I really have to get up and go to the gym?

Thursday Treadmill Treats
Do I really have to get up and go to the gym?
If nothing else I am brutally honest, I tell you all the time I am not Willy Wonker, I don't sugar coat anything.
Yes, I go to the gym every day and that there are some days when that alarm goes off at 4:45 that I want to scream "Go away!"
There are many days I hit the snooze button like 3 or 4 times because that extra 5 minutes I think really helps (Not!) But I keep telling myself that.
I would love to tell you every day I jump out of bed rearing to go rah, rah! But then I'd be lying to you and that will never happen.
But I know if I don't, I will feel guilty and I won't be able to go back to sleep so I'd might as well get my lazy butt up and go.
Look we are getting older, its harder to keep the weight off, we ache more, everything hurts, we get tired faster, we have more stress, more things running around in our minds to keep up awake at night, it sucks getting older.
But I refuse to get old, I am going kicking and screaming. No, I am not going to say to my girls,
I can't bike ride, ski, zip line or surf because I am too old. No, I am going to be that grandma who does triathlons, (like ths one who left me in the dust!)
Like that grandma who jumped out of a airplane with her daughter and granddaughter when I did and she was in her late 70's, I want to be that grandma who is still hot and can cut it up on the dance floor.
Yes, you are only as old as you feel and despite the occasional aches and pains, I feel like I am 30!
I will continue to eat right, to get up every morning even if I want to throw the phone out the window and take my butt to the gym.
I will try new things like the new Shawn T Cize videos that are really kicking my ass this first week, I  started doing yoga again and been riding my bike more each week. I haven't had coffee in three weeks and no white anything and look at that, I haven't killed anyone yet!
I don't want to be overweight, with no energy and low self esteem, getting old and feeling old.
Look, I am all for, you do what works for you, no matter what it is... exercise, weight, religion do you and I will continue to do me.
If your happy with yourself that's great, no matter what size you might be but for me ...I know I have a family history of heart disease, that crap ain't getting me so I am doing this because I want to be here to be that grandma, one day far, far away.
That and the fact I like to push myself, to go beyond what I think I can go, to do, to challenge myself and my body. And okay, okay I  admit looking good as the pay off helps too!
So today my friends take that first step, do something for your health, start small, watch what you eat, walk around the block, believe me it won't be easy... again no sugar coating here but it will become a habit after 21 days! 
And you too will get up each and every morning even if you want to say "Do I really have to go to the gym?"
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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