Who I look up to...my Bishop
Treadmill Treats Monday Message
Who I look up to, my Bishop
Yesterday was my Bishop, Henry Fernandez birthday. And we as a church celebrated his birthday. We were all asked to send him a note of thanks for being our pastor. Well you all know I cant just write a note, so instead I wrote this blog.
If you dont know my story, I was in a verbally abusive marriage for 24 years, I had gotten sick, then I suddenly lost my mom, my world crumbled. I was lost and broken, I didn’t want to go on, I even tried to take my own life. When I say I had hit rock bottom, this was it as low as I could get.
When I realized I couldn’t do this on my own, I lay on the floor, crying out for God’s help and they say, ask and you shall receive because two days later as I was walking into work listening to Jonathan Nelson my co worker informed me that he was her praise leader and did I want to see him live.
Yes, he was and still is one of my favorite gospel singers. So I went to her church the next night and seeing him sing live was incredible but it was when this pastor that came out with such a powerful word, it was as if God spoke through him right to me. He was real, he was kind, he was captivating, he was funny and passionate and he had a sick faith in the lord. You couldn’t help but want to hear more but for me it was so much more.
I needed to hear his words like a thirsty person needed water, I snook out every Wednesday to hear him, as I was Jewish at the time.
I lied week after week because I knew this man had a message from God for me. Every week I sat in the front so not to be distracted and I did the ugly cry. I prayed for help and I gave thanks for this man and his messages.
Each week I got stronger, I started to believe that God was talking to me, that this all happened because I asked for his help and he had me in his hands.Until one day I knew who’s I was, a child of the most high God and I knew I could walk away and he would provide for my every need and so I asked for a divorce.
Yes, me who was afraid of change, me who would never stand up to him or answer him back, me who had gave away all my power and didnt love herself anymore….see all that changed when I started to listen to this pastor, he changed my life.
His faith, his sick faith taught me to have my own faith, his love he shows to everyone taught me to love, his positive attitude reminded me of my own that was dormant for so long, his forgiving heart made me realize I had to forgive my ex to go on.
His example rubbed off to his congregation as well, because everyone there welcomed me with open arms, yes, in a huge church that was predominantly black, they welcomed the crazy white women who came week after week balling like a baby, sitting in the front row.
And when it was time to move on my church family was there to help me start my new life, with packing, moving and support. He leads this church by example, by being kind, by offering a helping hand, by reaching out to everyone and this family was now my family.
So today I want to say Happy birthday Bishop, thank you for saving my life, for all the messages you’ve have passed on to me from God, for your realness, for your big heart, for your words of encouragement and for teaching me to have sick faith, there are not enough words to say thank you.
May God bless you with favor for all of your life, for your a true man of God and he will definitely be saying to you one day “Well done my son”
So today my friends, please help me wish my Bishop the amazing, Henry Fernandez happy birthday !!
We love you Bishop!
Be the change you want to see”
“And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over…he turned into a beautiful butterfly”
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