Emergency Treadmill Treats

Emergency Treadmill Treats

Even though I am on vacation I needed to write this blog today.

As I sit in paradise, my heart is back home worried sick about my girls, my friends, family and my home.

I feel helpless not being there, depending on the kindness of others to help me while I am so far away.

Who would have guessed there would be a hurricane while I was gone yet still as a mother you want to protect, you need to protect your children and yet I can't. I am beating myself with worry even though I constantly tell you all to pray and let God worry...again I am just  human.

I survived Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Wilma, these are things, sounds and images you will never forget.

Being in the eye of the storm, listening to your roof being ripped off, hiding in the closet or bathroom with a mattress over you and your loved ones, praying for it to be over.
Scared like you've never been scared before, not worrying about your home just praying you will be alive to see another day.

I remember when the storm was finally over and you walked outside and thought you were dropped in the middle of a war zone, when you didn't even recognized your own neighborhood.
How many days without electricity, without gas or food or water?

How many hours of work trying to make your home livable all while having buckets throughout the house because your roof was almost gone.

And yes there was an incredible amount of great things that came from that, the love and kindness of strangers. Getting to know and help your neighbors, people working together in a common cause of decency towards another human being.

Some how tragedy brings out the best in people. It made lifetime bonds with these people, things I will never forget.

Just like the kindness of my yet again, guardian angel neighbor Frank who came to my rescue and secured my house and made sure my girls and our home were safe while I was so far away.
And my ex husband who swore that we would never stay to be in the middle of another storm and took our girls out of the state and out of harms way.

These are the things and acts of kindness you remember always and for that I am grateful.

So today my friends, please pray for my girls, my friends and my family and all the families of Florida, please pray for the people of Haiti and the people of Jamaica as I have so many friends with ties to both countries.

Pray God gives us a pass, pray we have the strength to get through and the courage to come together and help our neighbors.
I thank you all in advance for your prayers.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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