Why can't you be friends with your ex's ex?

Tgif Treadmill Treats

Why can't you be friends with your ex's ex?

I get alot of slack for this, people cannot understand how I can be friends with my ex's ex. My black girlfriends even tell me they are taking away my black card as they would never even dream of doing this.

I don't get it, see I lift up other women, I am not jealous or catty. I admire women, their strengths, their tenacity, their achievements. I am happy for my friends when they get a promotion, find the love of their lives or fulfill a dream, there is no envy here ever.

What they achieve makes it better for all of us and especially for the next generation, so we should all  applaud them.

My ex's ex are kind, intelligent, strong women, believe me they picked great women, they were not just great guys.

So why shouldn't we be friends? They don't want them anymore and even if they did, why should that automatically make them bitches in your eyes?
You've moved on, it didn't work, whatever the case may be, it doesn't have anything to do with them.

I have been blessed to have an open heart, to see these women for who they truly are, great people and to be able to cultivate a friendship with them.

My one ex's ex comes to holiday dinners, we go to the beach and out for drinks and dancing, we talk about our lives, our kids, our hopes and dreams. I truly admire her, she is a single mom doing it by herself and doing a great job.

My recent ex's ex is a funny, kind, open hearted women who knows the pain I've been through in my marriage. We relate on so many levels, we have the same personality, we like to have fun, we enjoy people and are not afraid to laugh at ourselves.

So tell me why wouldn't I be friends with these women? If they weren't my ex's ex and I just met them at Starbucks and started up a conversation with them, I would immediately like them and want to be friends with them...so because they are ex's ex I can't? Who says? Who's making up these frigging rules?

I dance to the beat of my own drum, I don't follow rules, I like and am friends with people for who they are in their soul, this is me...like it or not too bad, I am not changing, this is my life and I will live it as I see fit.

Maybe people are worried about what we are talking about, like our ex's? Well as a friend once said to me "If you do the right things, you won't have to worry about it" ha I couldn't agree more!

So today my friends, remember  to dance to the beat of your own drummer. Follow your heart, listen to that inner voice, let go of jealousy, envy and competition...we are all the same....women who are trying to be the best we can be, to raise our children to be good people, trying to leave the world a little better then when we got here.

We all need to applaud one another, give encouragement, show love and compassion to each other.
We are all in this together and I for one am changing what the look of being a ex's ex is...one example at a time.

Hats off to all the amazing women out there, I honor you today and every day!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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