What is a true reflection of Christmas

What is a true reflection of Christmas?

What was Jesus, he was love, he was peace. He was long suffering, he was the the light that came to earth to save us.

But if the light of Jesus is not shining within us, we are not being a true Christian. We need to shine the light on everyone and show them the love Jesus showed us.
God saw nothing and then he spoke life, he told us "You be the light of the world, You be the salt of the earth"
This is what we are suppose to do as Christians.

I ask you how do we celebrate Christmas? Is it about the tree? The presents? What is the real meaning of Christmas? We have a light shining in all of us and we need to let the world know that this is an enteral thing, a love and compassion that we must share with others.

In today's world many of our hearts have grown cold, we have become evil and self centered. We forgot what the true meaning of Christmas means, we are frizzled, we try to keep up with the Jones. We are buying our love with gifts because we are too busy to spend quality time with our loved ones.

You never know who's life you will be able to touch with your light, who your words will touch.
Sometimes we hide our faith because we are afraid of what others will say, if  they will criticize us and our beliefs.

What will family, co workers and friends will say? Can I be vocal about my God in today's world? But Mary and Joseph knew God's love and even though they weren't married and she was pregnant and people talked about them and shunned them, yet they still knew God's heart and they held on and shined their light.
They had faith in God and his word and despite all they went through they knew their purpose.

All of this oocured to fulfil God's promise "Look the virgin will conceive a child she will give birth to a son and they will call him Emanuel, which means God is with us"

God is looking for the pureness of heart, not a perfect person, he wants us to show others that God works through all of us, he wants to use you to bring forth the message of love.

We celebrate because Jesus came to us to save us, to forgive us and to show us his undying love.

So this Christmas remember this is the season, the season of compassion, of faith, of hope and of love.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours...
Thank you all who consistently follow me and interact with me, you have no idea what your kindness mean to me.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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