Are you plugged into God?

Are you plugged into God?
Our faith is like our phones, we need to be plugged in to our source to keep going, to keep it alive. 

Have you thought that maybe your phone battery is dead even though you had recharged it? It's because you are not plugged into the right source? Sometimes you need the right cable to charge it and you don't have it. 

You have the ability to communicate to God but the connection is not there. You do not have faith and that makes you not connected to God.
If you lose your faith and you pick up something else in the world, you will lose connection with God.
You know when you're traveling in an area where there is no connection? You keep looking for service. Faith is the same way, you need to keep trying, keep holding on even when you don't seem to have reception.
Maybe you have walked away from the faith life to the life of the world. Maybe you might have stopped putting all your trust in God. You're looking for other causes to fill you up but I'm here to tell you that the only thing that's going to keep you going is to put your total trust in God.

Don't you ever lose your faith, don't trade it for anything else in your life. Even with your phones, sometimes you need to power off your phone, reboot your phone to get service, this is also happening in the spiritual realm as well. Sometimes we have a poor connection to God because we are traveling through dead zones. We go through rough times and we think that God is not hearing us, that he is not listening. We are having a dropped call, a dropped connection with God. 

Even when you're at a dead place, a dead zone you must listen to God. He is saying that sometimes you need to shut down. Shut down the noise, shut out the voices that you hear from the outside world and just be still and listen to him. You cannot afford to lose connection with God. God is saying you cannot hear me in those dead places, the noise out there is not letting you hear what he has to say. 

You need to listen and move from the dead areas, move from dead jobs, from the dead relationships, and then you will hear God.
"I am the vine, you are the branches, the one who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit" 

You cannot bear fruit if you're not connected, you cannot hear God when you are listening to people, social media or what other people are saying. 
It's a connection thing, you must always be connected to God, you must have faith. If you are not connected to the right source you will not make it, you need to be a believer, to get plugged in with God. 

You need to know your faith, to hold on and when it's time for your life to shine, God will make a way. But you need to know that you have a source to plug in to. God is your source, you need to plug into him, you need to have faith and know that you serve a purpose and plug into God.
You are the branches, he is the vine and without him you will never bear fruit. You cannot just say you are a believer but without your faith anchored in him you will never get power from anything else.
Never let the circumstances of life make your spiritual life feel like it's dead.
Did the pandemic unplug you from God? Did life make you lose your faith? Have you lose connection with God?  Find a way to get reconnected to him, the only way to find your way to God is 

So today my friends remember what Jesus said. 
 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one's comes to the father except through me" 
If you are not plugged into God you will get sucked into life and lose your way but if your plugged into Jesus, if you hold on to your faith you will know your source.

"Be the change you want to see"


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