Spending time with my girls

Spending time with my girls

If you follow me or know me you know that my girls are my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them, as they make my world spin.
Now it hasn't always been perfect, sometimes while they were teenagers I wanted to bang their heads together and, I have on a few occasions. 

Save your comments, maybe that's what's wrong with this world today, too many parents trying to be "friends"with their children. I wasn't their friend, I was their mother and when they needed an ass whipping they got it. There was none of this time out bullshit, I Dr. Phil them, I pulled out their TV, ipods, phone and locked them down for two weeks to give them a chance to think of what they did wrong.

I guess I didn't do too bad because they turned out just fine. Both of them have their heads on straight, both have higher education, one is still in college. They are kind, compassionate, hard working human beings. They turned out to be exactly what a parent is supposed to do, to raise a productive, compassionate human being and I did it. Now that they are grown we are friends but you can't have it both ways while they are growing up, it's either parent or friend.

So with our busy lives it's always a great day when they ask me Mom what are you doing today? Whatever it may be, I'm not anymore, if they want to hang out I'm there. Trust and believe I have blown off dates hearing those words, because nothing is more important than they are.

After being away for 2 weeks and my big one who was away a week before I left, when she called and said what are you doing, even though I was waiting for a call for a date I thought he snoozed, he losed, literally.
We had dinner and a movie on Saturday, she slept over and on Sunday we went to the beach all day.

These are the moments I treasure the most, being able to talk, to laugh, for them to tell me their dreams, their fears, being able to be open with me, no matter what.
You can't believe how fast time passes us by, one moment they are being placed in your arms, the next moment they are taking their first steps, the first day of school and you blink and they are graduating. Time goes so fast for all of us, we are not given unlimited time, and as I know too well so many are taken away too soon.

I always talk about living your life large, loving big, being present in each and every moment because today may be your last. I want to make sure I get in every moment with my girls, I don't want them to ever feel that I was too busy or that a man was more important to me than them. I want them to have many memories with me, 
us singing in the car, dancing in the kitchen, our road trips, parties with their friends and mine, shots of tequila on the holidays. I want them to remember nights in front of the fire pit, curled up on the couch, all of us including their boyfriends watching movies, and Sunday brunches.
You can never get back the time you lost, all you can do is try again. 

So today my friends, maybe you're not talking to your parents, your children or your family. Most of the time it's about hurt and ego and you really need to think about never seeing them again, never being able to make memories with them again because if you don't try to reach out, when you do it may be too late. Don't have regrets, what ifs, I wish I woulds when you can right now.
We all are human, we all make mistakes and even still my girls eat on my nerves sometimes but I can't imagine a world without them. No matter what, you need to try, to make memories, to be present because on your deathbed I promise you, you won't be saying I wish I made more money, you'll be saying I wish I had more time with those I love.

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