I remember celebrating my freedom

I remember celebrating my freedom

8 years ago this week, I had finally moved into my new home and was having a "Housewarming / Happy divorce party" at my new place. My friends flew in from all over the country to be here with me to help me celebrate my new life.

This was the first party I was going to throw after my divorce in my new home, and I can still remember how excited I was. See, I was a person who hated change, and here my life was changing every day, sometimes every minute, and yet I was loving it.

So many of us are afraid to step out of our box, to start a business, to date out of our comfort zone, to be open to new things no matter what they are. I was one of those people, and I know how often fear can keep us stuck, in a horrible job, an abusive relationship, or even putting up with toxic family and friends. It seems like we can't get out of our own way, and so we sit there, miserable. We allow people to do things or say things or treat us badly because we are afraid of not being good, rocking the boat, or because we are scared. 
But you can't live your life like that. I've learned that you must take your life by the horns and be in control.

Since I've made the decision to get divorced, my life is amazing! I have so many friends that enrich my life, I travel, and I am not afraid of anything. This party taught me how many people I have in my life, who love me for me, who are there for me. It taught me I can do this, and it was an amazing lesson.

So today my friends remember that you too can do this, I am so not special. I just made a decision and then threw my fear out the window. I can't tell you how many parties I've had since that first party, 8 years ago. If you look at my old vision boards, I had put it out there, a house full of people, laughter and joy, and yes, that's what God and the universe brought me.
So put it out there, take that first step, step out of your box, take your life by the horns, because the last 2 years if nothing else, taught us that life is too short and you don't know what is promised so live your life large! 

"Be the change you want to see." 


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