Learning from our friends
Learning from my friends
Life is funny; you never know who will come into your life and how they will change it.
You must be open to all kinds of people, all types of personalities, and all different upbringing. If you are lucky enough and open enough, you will be able to learn a lot from others.
I know I am blessed to have all types of friends, all nationalities, all regions, all sexual orientations, and all colors. And I love bringing others into the fold with my friends, because you can never have too many friends. So this weekend I went with my friend to see my other girlfriend and her family who were in town for the week.
I met this friend while I was volunteering at Habitat for Humanity years before, and we have been friends ever since. Have you ever just met someone and you just click? Like you've known them your whole life, yup, this was it. Over the years, I've come to know her whole big Native American family, and I am always learning something about her culture, and I love it.
It has taught me so much I never knew or never learned in school about them. It amazes me that they are so in one with the earth that they don't feel like it's "their" land, but it's God's land, and they are just his caretakers. I've learned customs and about their foods and how they will take their shirt off their backs for you, literally.
This weekend, I got to be part of this big family, and for me as an only child, I was in my glory. We laughed, we talked, we drank, we danced, we had a great time, and I am so grateful for them and their friendship.
When you are an only child, your friends are the family you choose for yourself, and I have been blessed that I have this amazing family I have chosen.
So today, my friends, remember to open yourself up, to learn from others, to choose the family you may not have. Let us not forget that we are all so different, yet we are all the same. No matter what color, what religion, and what nationality you are, we all want the same things. We want health for our families, we want peace and love, we want better for our children than we had, because we all bleed red.
And maybe, just maybe if you're open enough, you will get to learn something you never knew and meet some fantastic friends along the way.
"Be the change you want to see."
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