Getting through the bad times with positivity
Getting through the bad times with positivity
So if you know me or you follow me you know that I've been through a lot of shit. Sometimes it's hard to keep a positive attitude when the storms of life are coming at you hard-and-fast. The one thing I've learned from all of these hard times is that I keep up my positive attitude and my faith that things will get better.
Recently me and my TRX machine got into a fight and he won. The door opened and I fell backwards and on my way down I broke my arm trying to stop my fall. Now this really sucks because it's right before the holidays with my open house and having to cook for 25 or 30 people.
Hello! I have presents to wrap, I have a house to clean and a yard to get ready. But what are you gonna do? Shit happens…
So here I am with a cast on my arm yet again because last year I had to have surgery on my other wrist.
I was in a cast for 6 weeks and trust me, it sucked. Yes, this really sucks and it really hurts and I really didn't want to go through this yet again but what are you gonna do? I could go into the poor me, or have a pity party or I could just laugh about it, get my cast in red to match my holiday dress and do what I gotta do to get through this.
As I sit on my couch looking at my beautifully decorated house I can only feel blessed. I have an amazing life now. I have my girls, my business, my amazing home that I own, I have incredible friends and family and my extended church family and church. I have a full life that I had wished for for years.
I remember through the dark times, when I would cry myself to sleep because I was so miserable. I would dream about the life I have now. Yes, sometimes life doesn't give you all perfect roses but you must be grateful for what you do have. You must be grateful for the small things, you must always stay positive and know that anything is possible. Of course the most important lesson is just remembering what my mom always used to say…
This too shall pass.
So today my friends, I know that many of you may be in a similar situation, maybe not with your arm in a red cast. But maybe life is throwing a lot at you right now and you think that it's really bad and you don't know if you can get through this but I'm here to tell you that you can and you will. One day you will look back on this and think look how much I've overcome. Look how far I've come look and how much strength I have gotten from going through all of these things that life throws at me. None of us knows what's going to happen tomorrow or next week or next year for that matter, if we even make it that long. So we must look at life from a positive standpoint. We must be grateful for what we have even if it's not what we want at this moment. We must hold onto that tiny mustard seed size of faith and know that this is just a small roadblock in your life and this too shall pass.
"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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