You never know what someone's going through

You never know what someone's going through

So recently Ellen DeGeneres television DJ and good friend Stephen "tWitch" Boss committed suicide at the young age of 40. He had a wife and children that he left behind. No one knew what he was going through just like when we lost Robin Williams, we never knew what he was going through as well. There were so many rich, successful people that we look at and think what kind of problems could they have? We say if I had that money or that fame, I wouldn't have any of these problems but we all have problems it doesn't matter if poor or rich white or black religious or not everyone goes through their own type of self hell.

Sometimes the people who smile the most are in silent pain. They are the "strong" ones who are slowly dying inside. Tyler Perry spoke about Twitch's death and how he tried to kill himself a few times when things were bad in his life. He said that he was so glad that it didn't work because it is now the best time in his life.
Sometimes you can't see past the pain, you can't see the sun through the storms. We are so stuck in the pain that we can't see our hand in front of our faces.

I know that pain, I too, tried to end my life. All I wanted was the pain and sorrow to go away. I never could imagine that my life would change in a year, to a life that I dreamed about.
I would have missed all of this, I would have crushed my family and friends, I would have left a hole in my girls hearts forever.

So today my friends remember sometimes you have to go through the pain to get to where you want to be. Always remember that after every storm the sun will shine again, you just have to hold on..please hold on.

"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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