Gotta love karma
Gotta love karma
Some people don't believe karma is real, but if you read the Bible or if you even read the book The Secret, you will know that what you put out there will come back to you.
Yet still, many people don't believe in it because so many people that have done bad things have seemed to have gotten away with it.
So, what are the reasons that make you believe that karma is not real?
Sometimes karma takes a while, so you think this will never happen. Karma may take years, but eventually karma does come back to all of us.
I love Facebook remember when because honestly, I can't remember shit. I'm lucky if I remember what I ate for breakfast in the morning. But Facebook memories remember everything, and this morning, as I was scrolling through my memories, it came up that after my divorce, when I was asking where karma was.
Here karma was, front and center. It was at a time when I felt like I got the short stick out of my divorce and everything that he had done to me over the years, and I kept asking, "Where is karma?"
Well, I got a front row seat to karma this time.
I forgot that right after that, he wrecked his new car. His garage door had broken, and his pipes backed up and cost him thousands of dollars to fix.
Yes. Yes, I know as Christians we shouldn't be happy for this, but I am still working on that. This is a human reaction. You reap what you sow right?
I remember karma once took 30 years to come around. My ex-boyfriend cheated on me with a girl who knew we were together. This was devastating to me. But as years went on, I had let it go. Last year her now husband cheated on her and she beat up the girl and she went to jail. The same week, my ex-boyfriend went to jail for embezzlement. Well, that's Karma for you, even if it took 30 years. You can't run from it.
So today my friends remember karma is always there waiting and watching. You always have to know what bad you have done to another person that you haven't atoned for will come back to you. It may not be today or next week, but trust and believe it's coming for you. So be a good person, realize your actions can hurt people and leave life-long scars. Apologize for your wrongs, as we all make mistakes. Don't let karma keep chasing you because eventually it will catch up to you.
"Be the change you want to see"
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