Getting Taken In By A Con Man

Getting taken in by a con man

October is domestic violence month and so I decided to start this month off with this subject. Since so many women will get taken in by con man. 

If you noticed recently, there have been a bunch of documentaries about these con artists. They have been showing how these men are scamming women all over the world. It may be on a show like CatFish or a documentary on dating apps, but it seems like there is always someone out there trying to get over on someone else.

As we watch these shows, many of us wonder how does a person get conned? It seems like so many of these women are intelligent, so how does that happen? Let me tell you, it's not about how intelligent you are and it's not about your economic background. 

I have seen it happen to women from all walks of life. White, Black, Asian, Spanish. College graduate, or high school dropout. Came from a “good family” or the wrong side of the tracks. It doesn't matter, any and all of these women have been taken advantage of. I have met doctors, professors, and judges who have been in domestic violence relationships. It doesn't matter how smart or where you come from.

It's really about your mental state. Your vulnerable, you've been hurt, or you've had a fucked up childhood. These are chinks in your armor that most people don't see but these con men definitely know what to look for. And then they use this against you. 

They tell you all you want to hear. They love bomb you, coming on hard and strong. They make you believe them and trust me, you want to believe them. You want this pretty package they are offering to you. You just don't see or refuse to see the strings that are attached to it.

This is how they get in and once in they use your hurt, and your brokenness to their advantage. They play on your emotions or your inner hurt to get you to do what they want. These women are far from stupid, they are just vulnerable and these men know this and use it.

So today my friends don't judge us, you have no idea what it's like to be so broken that you believe what you are hearing. There are many women who are so desperate to have a man to love, that any man that comes along will do. Some are looking for a daddy figure. Some women have only seen these types of men in their lives, like their fathers or uncles. Some have always let men treat them badly and this is what they expect. Some are just caught at a vulnerable point in their lives but each has a story that we can learn from. There are all types of reasons that a women gets taken in by a smooth talker 
but we all need to look for and be aware of the signs of a con man.
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