He was what kind of man?
I was watching Oprah interviewing 50 cent when he said "either pray or worry, you cant do both, so pick one"
Wow this coming from a "so called "thug, a drug dealing, street thug who was shot 9 times point blank by another drug dealer? He was talking about praying?
Yes, see you can never judge a book by its cover, yes he was all of that and more as he admitted to Oprah but that was along time ago and he wasn't the same man today.
Today this man takes the proceeds of his drinks and feeds millions of hungry children around the world, yes I was shocked too! Who knew?
This is the message I preach all the time, we all can change, it is possible if you truly want to it can and will happen.
Dwayne Wades mom was a prostitute, she was a herein addict, a horrible mother, she was living on the streets, she was in jail and now shes a Pastor of her own church, she helps others get off drugs, her testimony is amazing.
Yes, no matter how bad it is , how low you have seemed to go, there is always hope, there is always change, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, you always had it inside of you!
Yes some of the outside world might still judge you on your past mistakes, don't worry about them, let them talk, you know how far you have came, you know your journey up from the bottom, this is not about them or what they think.
Every one thought I was so happy, that we were the perfect family, no one knew how I cried each and every day, no one knew I wanted to die and felt like I was dying inside, just as I didn't know 50 cent was the man he was today, you never know, so you can't judge.
You need to worry about how you look at yourself in the mirror, not at others reflections.
Yes, change is possible and its up to you, what do you want to change? Get up today and decide and make it happen!
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