There's nothing more important than family time
Hump day Treadmill Treats
There's nothing more important than family time
The one thing I've learned in life is there is nothing more important than family time. Every minute I get to spend with my girls are precious, it's these bonding moments that bring us closer.
When I look back over my life I realize it's the little things that meant the most. Hiking in the woods together, road trips and singing in the car on loud and off key, picking blueberries while laughing and joking. The times we rafted down the Delaware River or ate our way through Manhattan, it's these special memories that make us a family.
The first trip when I got separated and it wasn't going to be regimented by my ex, we were winging it, one way ticket to New York, no plans, no place to stay just us on the road with lots of memories to make!
This is what life is about, they learned to fly by the seat of their pants, we sleep at this friends house and that friends basement, they learned to take the subway and eat on the run. They watched their mom be really happy for the first time in years and be her true self around her friends and family.
These are lessons that they will take with them through life, memories that will last forever.
Last year was the first year we didn't go home for the summer, with all the work on the new house I couldn't pull it off and we were all disappointed to say the least. So this year I knew somehow we'd make a way and true to his form, God did. My client gave us her house in North Carolina for us to use and I cannot wait to make some memories there.
The road trip alone with be a trip in itself with them! We all love the mountains, we love nature and hiking, being outdoors and being together. No television, no computers, no cell phones just us, nature and talking...imagine that? Just talking to each other.
Yes, this will be another family vacation for the record books and I cannot wait.
So today my friends, remember life is too short, live life now, your kids are growing fast and will soon have a life of their own. Make the memories count, laugh often, live big, love large and make as many memories as possible!
So today my friends, remember life is too short, live life now, your kids are growing fast and will soon have a life of their own. Make the memories count, laugh often, live big, love large and make as many memories as possible!
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
***Now available***
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