What I learned from Tony Robbins
Tgif Treadmill Treats
What I learned from Tony Robbins Walk on fire
I have been lucky enough to see Tony Robbins live 3 times before this, but they were always 2 day events and nothing ever like this.
This event is different, this event is amazing. I never thought when I got blessed with this ticket to go to Tony Robbins Walk on Fire seminar that there was going to be 9000 people from 71 countries here.
That he would push you to your limits and beyond, that after 9 hours, that it would feel like 3 or that you were so drawn in that you would even forget to eat. That you would forgot everything that was going on around you and that you would be so caught up in the moment you actually lose all track of time.
You are so captivated by his words, he pulls you in, he touches your heart, he gets you to step out of your box, out of your comfort zone all while teaching you invaluable lessons and tools to change your life.
You think, I can do that... because he says you can. He makes you stand and sit, jump and scream, he makes you ask yourself the deepest darkest secrets in your soul and then tells you to share them with total strangers.
He makes you laugh and cry, he gets you to believe anything is possible and it is!
And after 12 hours you are willing to follow him through fire, literally.
It started at 12:30 yesterday and we took off running. He came out fast and furious, loud and in charge. The next thing I looked down and realized was it was 6 pm and even though I didn't eat, I was super charged.
There was no breaks, I hadn't even thought about eating, I barley went to the bathroom, if he didn't remind us to drink water I would have forgotten to do that as well, I was so in the zone.
This was what I had waited for and had on my vision board since 2008. I was fully immersing myself into this, heart and soul. This meant something to me...I wanted to do this to prove to myself and my readers that anything is possible if you believe!
And this was truly something I envisioned, I put out there, had it on my vision board and my bucket list, I believed it would happened even though all these years had past, I still believed it and look it did happen!
I wasn't missing a minute of this. By midnight we should have been dead tired but we were in the zone and ready to go, it was then when all 9000 of us took off our shoes and walked outside to 32 red hot coal fire pits.
There were people playing drums, we were clapping and chanting yes, yes, yes..over and over again.
We knew what was coming as he made us envision it and walked through it in our minds over and over inside, we were ready...I was ready.
I stayed in my zone, like a well trained athlete, I was focused, I wanted this more than I ever wanted anything. There was no fear in me as I stepped up to the grass area in front of the hot coals Yes, yes, yes...we all chanted.
I remember thinking this has been a long time coming, I am ready, I am women hear me roar!
Go...I hear in the distance background and the next thing I know I am looking up chanting cool moss, cool moss, cool moss like Tony taught us and then it was over, I did it I walked over burning hot coals!
I went though the fire and now I walked on fire. This was a full circle moment for me, I did this for me and for all the other woman out there that lost their voices, that were told you couldn't do it, couldn't make it, this was for all of us to say Yes, I can! I can do anything when I set my mind to it!
This was for my girls to show them, anything is possible!
This was for my girls to show them, anything is possible!
It was the most intense experience I have ever had, I think this even trumped jumping out of a plane which was my number one experience before this.
But this had different meaning to me, this weekend has opened me up, it has made me look deep inside to pull out answers I didn't want to. It confirmed why I am here on this earth, to help others, to inspire people, to show them that your never to old, it's never to late and that nothing is impossible if you believe!
So today my friends remember that...nothing is impossible, you have the power to overcome your fears, to change your life, to walk through fire and even walk on fire...just like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz....it was always inside of you... you always had the power....
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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